Wednesday 1 March 2017

Saix textured

This is the Saix textured model.

These are the teeth and tongue textured models.

Comments about the textured models

The Saix model is very efficient. The colour of the skin, eyes, eyebrows and hair are similar to the ones of the character. Also, the mar on his face is also very similar as both shape and colour of the character's. I have also put some bump in all of the models in order to make them more accurate. The teeth and tongue have colours which demonstrate what they are. The texturing of the tongue is not very effective near the edge, but this part is not going to be so well showed. Also, the textures on the neck and tip of the sleeves is not good enough, because of the different colours of the projections. Maybe I will do something to make them less visible.
I created a three point lighting like my tutor.

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