Wednesday 15 March 2017

Dialogue from Film

This is the dialogue I selected to post. It is from the film "The Bicentennial Man" "1999" and the director is "Chris Columbus" (

In this clip, the protagonist "Andrew" ( is talking with a gudge about being identified as a human.
We can see that Robin Williams' acting is very calm and he does not make many expresions. The gudge is very absolute and solemn. The most dramatic part is when the music score makes apperance and "Andrew" ( has tears in his eyes, also looking the woman he loves and she looks him as well, sad. Also, the movement of the camera towards the robot and the woman makes the viewer approach the inner world of the characters. I believe that the most intersting part of the dialogue is the acting of Robin Williams' because it depicts clearly that he is a robot. Additionally, the topic is also very interesting, as it investigates which is the special attribute which makes someone a human.

Firstly, I wanted to use this dialogue for Saix to speak. That is why I chose this now, inspired by Saix and his character.

The link for the film dialogue:


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