Wednesday 29 March 2017

Fifth Dialogue from Film

This part is from the film "Jesus Christ Superstar" "2000" and the directors are "Gale Edwards" and "Nick Morris" (

The part is in the minutes 4:05-7:01 as the music ends. In this part, Jesus and Judas are arguing about the later who has to take his master to the Romans. The characters seem angry, strong, insisting on their opinions. However, in the end, they become weaker and sadder. I believe that the most interesting part of this dialogue is the intense depiction of the topic of Judas having to "betray" (Jesus Christ Superstar, 2015), with the movements of the characters, the music and the strong vocals of the two singers.

I had the idea to choose this musical from the book "Music Theory for Dummies" (2015) by Pilhofer M., MM, Day H. 3rd Edition. New Jersey, which I have with me.


Link for the video:

Information about the film:

Pilhofer M., MM, Day H. (2015) Music Theory rof Dummies. 3rd Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New Jersey.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Fourth Dialogue from Film

This part is from the film "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" "(2003)" and the director is "Peter Jackson".

The dialogue is from the 3:35-4:52. The main character, Frodo, acts very tired, also his voice sounds broken as the volume of his voice is reduced sometimes. Sam acts is very exhausted but also more sad. His voice is weaker as he cries. The most interesting part is the acting. In clearly shows the hard times these two characters have passed.

Source about the film:
Source of video:

Third Dialogue from Film

This is the third dialogue from film.

It is from the Kingdom Hearts game series. This part is from the Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5, Kingdom Hearts Recoded.
It begins from the start and ends on the minute 5:41.
Data Sora, the protagonist, is talking with Data-Roxas. The main character seems calm and positive. His voice is more cheerful, especially in the end of the dialogue. The other speaks more seriously and mystic. His voice is more silent and hoarse. Addtionally, the animation is not very expressive, as it is based on the anime style. The most interesting part is the topic, because it is about unfairness and the feel of "pain" (iMackshunGamesHD, 2015) for people you care about.

Video that made me think of selecting this piece:

Saix Skinning

After I made the correction to the rigging, I did the skinning again.

This is the rotated waist joint. Even though the vertices above the joints were moved my their respective joints, the deformation was not smooth. In order to achieve better deformation to the body, I used the Smooth mode of the Paint Skinning Weights.

I posted the elbow as my tutor did in his own tutorial. For the sake of better deformation, I used the Smooth mode again and painted near the elbow, making the influence from both shoulder and elbow joints on that part.

The problem with this skinning was the deformation of teh fingers. As the fingers bent, they did not make a curved shape like this, but they were more blocky. For this reason, I used the Smooth mode, making the influence in the parts of the creases from both joints where these parts where close to.

In the skinning before the rigging change, some parts of the fingers turned black during the fist. The Smooth mode I used for the above reason solved that problem.

Thanks to the change I did in the rigging, now the mouth was able to open.

For the hair, I selected the vertices which were ontop of the joints and added them in their respective joints. Additionally, I used the Smooth mode to impove the deformation of the hair.

I believe that the skinning is sucessful, because, as the joints rotate, the deformations are smooth enough. During this process, I learned that the Smooth mode in the Paints Weights Tool should be applied to have better bendings. I also used the book of Rodriguez D. (2013) as a reference for the skinning.

Reference: Rodriguez D. (2013) Animation methods: rigging made easy! David Rodriguez. USA

Saix rigging correction

The problem with the previous rigging was that, the whole mouth was moved as I rotated the joint.
According to my tutor, I should have another joint above the tongue ones, so the upper mouth would belong there.

So, I created two joints, connected to the main joint of the head. However, I followed the book of Rodriguez D. (2013) and made the main one to have controll of the upper part. For the joints I already made under the new ones, I did not make any difference.

Reference: Rodriguez D. (2013) Animation methods: rigging made easy! David Rodriguez. USA

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Saix Rigging

These are the images of the rigging of Saix.

This is the whole rig of Saix. I have created a skeleton all through the body, also in the hair. The controllers are very successful, because they are being put as Orient Constraints to most of the joints, so I can rotate them. Following my tutor's advice, I did not put controllers to the joints of the hair. I had put IK Handles, but I deleted them because, according to my tutor, the motion could not be very effective.

This is one of the new attributes I created for the hand. This is slightly showing someone. The success of this pose will be determined on the skinning as well.

This is another new attribute I created. This pose will be easy for the fingers do make, because they do not make a very strange posture.

This is another new attribute I created. As the first one, its functionality depends on the skinning, thanks to the pose of the fingers. However, the thumb is not in front of the other fingers, which will create a fist which will not be so effective. I believed this pose could be better selection with this formation of joints.

Blend shape examples

This is an image with many blend shape examples.


First, we see the natural pose. All of the blend shapes are being created by that. I believe that the blinks are efficient, because the cover all of the eye, but also exaggerated, as the eyes are very big. Additionally, the mouth poses are very effective, because they communicate the message wanted to be expressed. The smirks are also exaggerated, as the poses are extreme enough. In my opinion, the eyebrow poses could be more exaggerated by making the poses more extreme.

Second Dialogue from Film

This is the second dialogue from film I chose to post. Is form the film "The Magic Sword - Quest for Camelot" "1998" and the director is "Frederik Du Chau" (
In the dialogue, in 6:04-6:33 the acting of "Cary Elwes" who plays "Garrett" ( is really serious, steady and sad. "Jessalyn Gilsig" ( who plays Kayley, sounds more troubled when asking and also when telling him that they could both deliver the sword. In the end, when she says "But you belong in mine (world)" (Kelly6758, 2012), is the peak of the dramatic moment, with the quote as the final piece. Also the music makes the moment even more emotional. In my opinion, the most intersting part is when the male protagonist says that he does not "belong in this world" (Kelly6758, 2012), showing the feeling that some disabled people have as the other people make them feel like they are strangers. Additionally, the ending phrase of the girl is very interesting because it shows her feelings very tenderly.


Kelly6758 (2012) Quest for Camelot: Kayley and Garrett Scenes part. [Accessed in: 15th of March 2017. Available online from:

Dialogue from Film

This is the dialogue I selected to post. It is from the film "The Bicentennial Man" "1999" and the director is "Chris Columbus" (

In this clip, the protagonist "Andrew" ( is talking with a gudge about being identified as a human.
We can see that Robin Williams' acting is very calm and he does not make many expresions. The gudge is very absolute and solemn. The most dramatic part is when the music score makes apperance and "Andrew" ( has tears in his eyes, also looking the woman he loves and she looks him as well, sad. Also, the movement of the camera towards the robot and the woman makes the viewer approach the inner world of the characters. I believe that the most intersting part of the dialogue is the acting of Robin Williams' because it depicts clearly that he is a robot. Additionally, the topic is also very interesting, as it investigates which is the special attribute which makes someone a human.

Firstly, I wanted to use this dialogue for Saix to speak. That is why I chose this now, inspired by Saix and his character.

The link for the film dialogue:


Wednesday 1 March 2017

Saix textured

This is the Saix textured model.

These are the teeth and tongue textured models.

Comments about the textured models

The Saix model is very efficient. The colour of the skin, eyes, eyebrows and hair are similar to the ones of the character. Also, the mar on his face is also very similar as both shape and colour of the character's. I have also put some bump in all of the models in order to make them more accurate. The teeth and tongue have colours which demonstrate what they are. The texturing of the tongue is not very effective near the edge, but this part is not going to be so well showed. Also, the textures on the neck and tip of the sleeves is not good enough, because of the different colours of the projections. Maybe I will do something to make them less visible.
I created a three point lighting like my tutor.

Saix Model

This is the Saix model I completed.

These are the teeth and the tongue.

Comments about the models

In my opinion, the Saix model is very effective. On the one hand, the form makes accurate that this is a character. Additionally, I used the sculpting tools to create the hair which match the character's hair shape a little bit. The faces of the model are four sided mostly, which makes it very efficient. On the other hand, the topology has its weaknesses. There are two pentagons on the chest, however, they are not making any problem to the shape. Plus, the model does not look like the character so much.
The teeth are very successful as a shape, also the tongue is really efficient. There is no need for details, as they are not going to be viewed very clearly.