Friday 24 February 2017

Treatment for Saix animatic

This is the animatic I created for the Facial Modelling and Animation module.

Comments about the animatic

In my opinion, the timing of the animatic is very effective. There is plenty of time for the viewer to watch the images shown to the patient, and probably figure out what is going on from the beginning. The frame of the eyebrow movement lasts long which I believe it is not so efficient, but I placed that way so there is the exact time to sychronize with the quote. Even though I have not put the sound, the synchronization is successful, because the movements change based on the exact words of the actor.

The quote is: "That's my heart to make you whole. It's strength to purify your weakness. Live, and remember your oath" (

The overal duration is a little bit long, as the focus of the module should be the character talking and animation.

Source for the quote words:

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