Friday 3 February 2017

Facial Modelling Project in Class

During the session, I was asked to model the face of either Wallace or Gromit from the series Wallace and Gromit. I decided to model Wallace.

I found two images in the internet, one for the front and one for the side view.



I put them in their respective viewports in Autodesk Maya and scaled the side one, for the face size to match with the one on the top image.

I went to the front viewport and selected the Quad Draw Tool. I began creating faces around the mouth and then around the eye of the character, trying to form the "edge loops" as the tutor said. After that, I combined these two pieces using Combine command, also deleted their history by selecting the Delete by Type - History. As they were combined, I could use the Quad Draw Tool again to connect the two. I selected the top edges and used Extrude to create more faces and follow the shape of the head on the side view image. I did the same to the edges on the side, extruded again and connected the vertices using Merge. I pressed 3 to make the model appear smoother.

Today, I opened the file and rendered using mental ray.

In my opinion, the shape is not very close to the shape of the head of the character. Additionally, the images are not very appropriate to be used as front and side images, because of the angle the character is depictioned. However, the edge loops are correct.

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