Tuesday 31 January 2017

Drawings of Saix

These are some drawings of Saix.

Source: http://www.endlessrage.net/moonMAN/images/kh2-xiii-saix.jpg

Source: http://kh13.com/forum/uploads/gallery/category_2/gallery_32553_2_98921.jpg

Source: http://img15.deviantart.net/e169/i/2013/166/f/5/axel_and_saix_by_mr_teapot-d69590y.jpg

Source: http://pre01.deviantart.net/841a/th/pre/i/2013/041/1/a/saix_wip_by_imaginejl842-d5qnjes.jpg

This is my Pinterest page with drawings of Saix: https://uk.pinterest.com/themistoklisl/themistoklis-lekakis-facial-modelling-and-animatio/

Comments about the drawings

I believe that I should use the last drawing as a reference in the front view, and the third one in the side view. However, they do not seem very similar, but I have also the first one which could be used as a reference for the side view as well. The second one has a great detail on the hair, because it is very well structured with the use of tones.
In my opinion, the research of drawings of Saix is successful, because it includes various styles of the character, mostly without any expression. This would be helpful for the modelling of the face in the beginning. Additionally, the research is also very effective, because the last one could be used as a front reference and the third one as a side reference, thanks to the clarity of the respective poses. Plus, the research is still successful, as three drawings in the Pinterest page could be used, one as a front and two as side references.
The model is not going to be "hyper" or "photo" "realistic" because its scope is not to seem "real" (Miller E. 2008, p.18).


Miller E. 2008 Hyper-Realistic Creature Creation. 2nd edition. Autodesk, inc. USA

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